WebGL enabled browsers
and how to enable WebGL function

  • Mozilla FireFox (Windows/OS X)
    WebGL enabled browser » see detail
  • Google Chrome (Windows/OS X)
    WebGL enabled browser » see detail
  • Opera (Windows/OS X)
    WebGL enabled browser » see detail
  • Safari (OS X)
    EXPERIMENTAL: You need to enable WebGL function by yourself. » see detail
  • Internet Explorer
    Internet Explorer 11 is a WebGL enabled browser, but it's not fully functionality. Voices of Aliveness, "View in 3D" needs some WebGL functions those are not supported in Internet Explorer 11.
  • iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)
  • Android

Depending on your GPU, certain features or all of WebGL isn't available, even if you are using a WebGL enabled browser.

Mozilla FireFox (Windows/OS X)

Google Chrome (Windows/OS X)

Opera (Windows/OS X)

Safari (OS X)

  • About "Safari" by Apple
    You need 5.1 or newer to have WebGL experience, and to enable WebGL function by yourself.
  • How to enable WebGL function
    1. Open the Safari and select "Preferences..." menu to open the Preferences window.
      Open the Safari and select "Preferences" menu to open the Preferences window.
    2. In the Preferences window, select the "Advanced" tab and check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" checkbox.
      In the Preferences window, select the "Advanced" tab and check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    3. Open the "Develop" menu in the menu bar and select "Enable WebGL".
      Open the "Develop" menu in the menu bar and select "Enable WebGL".